Thursday, May 10, 2007

Viva Mexico-Nate

Here is a photo from my old digital that i took in one of my favorite places. I've been to Mexico three times and it is always a great trip. This was taken in a tiny little fishing village right on the outskirts of Sayulita.

1 comment:

buttercup mcsnugglepants said...

oh man, mexico is awesome. is sayulita on the baha or mainland? im too lazy to google it. i'm digging the festive colors with the ruggedness of the boats. it feels very mexico. the photo does a great job of summing the place up. i wonder what it would look like with a bit of crop on the top. you might lose name of the top boat, which is a shame, but it might make for a more focused composition on the three bows since the top one is kind of half in/half out. i dunno, maybe not. let me know if you try it. very swell pic either way, looking forward to some more posts.