Friday, May 25, 2007

Bird - Russ

Hey. Well Kyle let me rip on campus with his camera again. Although it was quite a warm day, the light wasn't great so I underexposed for quite a few shots, but hey it's all part of the learning. This little fella wouldn't leave me alone so I took a few shots of him, which I was quite happy about as I'm quite the nature geek...

The first one is my favourite of the two, and the second one is mainly up for the ridiculous amount of worms in his mouth! It was very much underexposed, but I like the content of the shot.


The Bobby Cox Experience said...

You guys and your crazy ass campus. I really like the first photo..but as kyle will tell you...i am a high-contrast whore. I would love to see it with some really high contrast. And yes the second one has an absurd amount of worms. Greedy son of a bitch

bmcgov said...

I like the little bit of motion blur on the worm in the first pic. You can tell he's still alive and kicking. Nice shot.

buttercup mcsnugglepants said...

i agree with aaron. the first one is a winner, but we can get some more contrast out of that one. i think it would help. and the second one is just silly.