Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Baby geese - Russell

London is packed with huge buildings and very little untouched landscape, so to live on a campus with so much nature is kinda bizarre, and wonderful. Kyle and I went out for an afternoon 'nature' shoot, and came across six baby geese who were following around their big mama. Kyle, knowing I'm a bit of a nature geek, was kind enough to let me go at it with his camera, so many thanks for that. We followed them around a patch of grass for about half an hour and these were a couple of shots I came out with.


buttercup mcsnugglepants said...

dunno what more else i can say, other than these are some very lovely pictures. for those who dont know russ, i think it should be known that he has only been off of a point and shoot for a few months. its been awesome watching how quick hes taken to everything, so im looking foward to more posts. its nice having someone over here to nerd out along side, especially when pics like this are the result.

Michael Bay Syndrome said...

Great pics... cute little ducks... great colors