Monday, May 21, 2007

Hillbilly party - Aaron

So Sunday night was a rip-roarin' good time at keiths Hillbilly party. The first pic is of Corey, our kitchen manager, who likes to steal pockets, as well as keiths ass, who got smacked all night by everybody in the party.


Nate said...


buttercup mcsnugglepants said...

damn that looks really fun. please tell me the irony wasnt lost that keiths white trash part went on next to his above ground pool...but really, does keith have a spotlight on the tree because the way it spots on the girl and hits the top of the tree looks pretty cool.

The Bobby Cox Experience said...

Other way around actually. The spotlight just barely makes it to the ground where she is....and then most of the light on her and all the light on the tree is all flash...and yes...the above ground pool added to it wonderfully