Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mr. Mistoffelees - Kyle

i took these the same day as russell took his photos below. after russell photographed in geese shit for a while, we kind of wandered around without any agenda. as we happened to stroll by the pond, i was a bit smitten with the way the light was hitting it. the iso is up in nasty grain territory since it was pretty late in the evening but what are you gonna do.

bonus points for russell's dead eye rock throwing ability for the ripple in the second pic. it took a a few exposures, but he must have gotten tired of me yelling at him so he nailed it on this one. as a general rule of thumb, the british cant do anything athletic with their upper body (throwing, swinging, etc), but russ rose to the occasion. thanks buddy.

bonus attack kitty picture!

i was shooting floating things in the pond when russ pointed out this evil feline running behind me. it was a quick snap but it speaks for itself.

quick cat tip: kitty + squirrel = bloodbath. kitty + masking tape on their feet = hours of fun.


Michael Bay Syndrome said...

amazing bonus attack kitty picture... we should turn that picture into a clock...

buttercup mcsnugglepants said...

haha. jwest tried to keep the other kitty clock in the house while i was gone but my sister wouldnt let him.

Nate said...

interesting composition on the top shot. You have a very unique aproach kyle. good work.

Fonnetick said...

Dude this was such a good day. Loved how these came out. And you got a good snap of that damn cat - and you can see the squirrel pretty well too.