Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Garden Shed - Russ

Hey hey. Well, last week I went home to see my new nephew, and Kyle leant me his camera for the day. While I was home, I thought I'd take a look in my garden, and spent some time with my very, very old shed. I remember as a kid hating going down there because it's so grim and full of cobwebs (as you can see on the last pic), but now it's a photographer's playground. I think all the shots are quite simple and angular, which I know Kyle's been enjoying recently, and I'm starting to like a lot. I used quite a lot of unsharpen mask to give each shot a bit more punch. Lemme know what you think.


The Bobby Cox Experience said...

ok so im really only scared of spiders...which of course makes me fearful of these photos, which is perfect. im really likin your stuff so far rus, and you should hate kyle for getting you as deep into this photography stuff as you are certainly on your way too. it is not nearly as rewarding as it is expensive...which is saying something...because it is pretty damn rewarding

Fonnetick said...

Hey, thanks man. Yeh you're right, as I do the research on equipment prices, it's just a damn bit frightening (even more so than my cobwebs)...

Well... I guess I should get saving some cash.