Saturday, April 28, 2007

Well lets get this started - Aaron

Well no better way to start off the blog then with a picture of Cheikh. This man is our 64 year old dishwasher down at the brewery. He was born in Senegal, has 3 wives and countless children. He is easily the hardest working man ive ever met. He works between 80 and 90 hours a week; doubles every day except for friday, on which he prays.

This photo was taken behind the brewery the morning of the judging day of our Mustache March competition. Cheikh had entered in the pre-existing facial hair category as he had been growing this mustache for countless generations.


Unknown said...

its getting no love cause its at the bottom, but at some point im calling for more of the mustache series. Not because mustaches are bitchin (which they totally are) but just cause there are some damned good portraits in there. Maybe do a collage on one image bradybunch style....

Fonnetick said...

I really like this picture. Great expression on his face...