Monday, April 30, 2007

Hi there! - Nate

I thought of introducing myself with some remotely intelligent quip concerning the absurdity of naming yourself after the ugliest MLB manager in history...but i will refrain. (Go Cubs) This photo was taken on an old point and shoot digital but is still one of my favorites to this day. The skater is Chris Helack who is one of the tallest, skinniest rippers I know. The setting sun was casting a prefect silhouette of Chris onto the the sheet metal ramp so I decided to snap a few. My name is Nate Lee and I work with Aaron at the Brewery. Going to slave on my video now.


1 comment:

buttercup mcsnugglepants said...

hey man, i like the photo. you probably know this but youre in the unique position of having a photo that looks cool both right side up and up side down. i got curious and put it into photoshop gave it a little 180 and violla. its like the palindrome of pictures.