Well Kyle had suggested a while back that I add a colage of the Mustache March! portraits. So here they are, in all their glory. Bask in the warm glow of som magnificent mustachio'd men. Enjoy.
Hey there. These three are from a short while ago now. Kyle and I had spent our final weekend in London and had made our way to London Victoria train station to head back to my fiancee's house. Despite being half an hour early, we missed our train because Kyle's luggage was so heavy we didn't get on the train quick enough! To kill time I snapped, and got that one of the dude on the phone. The other two were on the train - me playing with long exposures. Lemme know what you think.
This is Aaron posting this photo for Nate because he took it with my camera. This is one of our good friends and bartenders at FSB, Dave. Hes a pretty angry guy most of the time, but once you get a couple brews in him he tends to lighten up. And if you get a few more in him he tends to want to wrestle. Im sure you all know the type.
So I just got my new lens in the mail today. it is the Nikon 10.5 mm 2.8 fisheye. Havent shot with a lot of fisheyes so I am pretty excited about experimenting with it. This is the first shot with it. Its actually a little HDR. Kyle, you need to hurry up and get back here, im trying to figure out RAW's and im having some issues. Let me know what you guys think.
Here is a little preview for some of the Wedding photos from my brothers wedding on the 23rd of june. There are all sorts of good macro opportunites in the Elizabethen Gardens in Manteo. Let me know what you think.
1. Make sure you add your name after each post title.
2. Resize your photos. It doesnt matter on the main page, but when you click they need to be smaller. Try 900 pix max for landscape photos, and 700 pix max for portraits.
3. Comment on photos. I realize I havent done any commenting, but thats what this is here for. So we can share photos, and comments about them.